live streaming service

Welcome to GCF Halton. Live Streaming Service on Sundays at 10:30 AM

Note: This type of service started March 22, 2020 and will continue every Sunday thereafter until further notice. Join us and be blessed!



Option 1: Connect Via Full Virtual Web Conferencing
• Click this link in your device’s web browser, i.e., laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.
• Note: if you prefer using your mobile phone, we recommend installing the Zoom app for better connectivity.
• Follow the instructions that will be given to you depending on your device.
• You will then be given an option to join with video or without video so simply choose your preference or you can turn video on or off later.

Option 2: Connect By Phone (audio only)
• Dial this number on your phone: Phone # (647) 558-0588
• When asked for a Meeting ID, please key in the following: 660836933#
• You will now be connected and be able to listen in.
• Note: this option has audio capabilities only so you will not be able to see any video.

Option 3: Watch the Sermon via YouTube
• We will upload the recorded video of the sermon on YouTube and be available in our Worship Service Page after. Please click here.